Vesta Academy

We all aware that, to perform  profession, graduating from a dental school and enriching knowledge acquired throughout education life by 30-35 years of experience is not valid any longer.

As Information changes and progresses so fast in this new era, dentists need continuing post-graduate education to  update  their knowledge , to access new information or to take the advantage of expert experience, just as how they  have to constantly renew equipment in their practice and add new things.

This necessity is exactly what VESTA was emerged from. In order to provide dentists with respective needed knowledge from reliable sources and via safe channels, VESTA, which is implemented by Vestiyer Publishing Group, offers variety of trainings on dental and paradental fields to the attention of dentists and team members.


In 2005, we decided to create a unit which operates postgraduate dental education focused activities, within Vestiyer Publishing Group which is in the service of dentistry for quarter of a century.

For this new unit, we decided to use the name" VESTA” which is combination of “VEST” from Vestiyer and “A“ from Academy.

VESTA held the first training in 2006. As, VESTA was backed by Vestiyer Publishing Group’s quarter of a century experience, had grown in a very short time and began to perform worldwide trainings which drew great interest of dentists.

So far, for dentists and their assistants hundreds of training seminars and conferences were held by VESTA. Thousands of participants from Turkey and all over the world preferred VESTA to brush up, update and strengthen their education.

VESTA that holds trainings in many centers like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Mersin in Turkey, became a pioneer of the international training organizations exclusively for dentists. In many cities such as London, Vienna, Los Angeles, Zurich, Las Vegas, Lefkoşa dozens of trainings were held .

VESTA which is undisputed leader in its field in Turkey has determined a one-sentence mission:

For a better dentistry, continuing postgraduate education

We thank you for your kind interest and trust.


Vestiyer Publishing (Media) Group

Vestiyer Publishing Group made its way into publication world by publishing The Dental Journal in 1989. Success of The Dental Journal paved the way for emergence of nine different scientific and industrial dental periodicals on coming years.

In addition to producing its own content, VPG also has provided readers in Turkey by worldwide well-known  major dental journals. With the strength that comes from the success of Periodicals, under the name of “Dentist Library” it has published a series of books which include scientific information, as well as a variety of professional information essential for dentists.

In 30 years, VPG  who has a wide range of publications; from social problems to the psychological problems  of  dentists,  from designing practice to the legal responsibilities, from occupational diseases  to patient relationships , with its   constantly updated database, has formed a well distribution network in dental industry.

 VPG serves as a communication and information bridge between Universities, companies in the sector, civil society organizations and dentists.

Vestiyer Publishing Group has nine different publications which are dental industry-specific:

• The Dental Journal
• The Turkish Dentistry Journal
• Dental Tribune
• Dental Labor
• Aesthetic Dentistry
• Implants
• Roots
• Today

In Turkey, VPG is the solution partner of the Dental Tribune International which is the world's largest publication organization, Das Dental Labor which is considered as school for dental technicians and Finlayson Media Communications which is the leader of dental publishing market in UK.

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